Commercial Auto Insurance

box truck driver radius oregonBox trucks come in different sizes and apply to various cargos. Some have refrigeration units attached and keep produce, meat, and certain materials at cooler temperatures while in transport. It’s important to discuss with your agent the value of your truck and separate any attached equipment, such as cooling units. Lumping add-on equipment in the vehicle’s total price may be treated differently for repair or replacement at the time of a claim. Be sure to identify lift equipment that might be attached to the back. Sometimes, it is detachable and must be insured separately.

The commercial auto insurance carrier will want to know how you use your truck. Your vehicle’s use or the industry your business is in will determine the insurance price. Most box trucks stay local, and insurers measure the radius from the garaging location to calculate the risk or exposure to potential accidents.

You must list ALL potential drivers on the application and any new drivers during the policy period. Also, let us know if a driver is no longer in your employ so that we may remove them from the list of authorized drivers. An insurance company can deny a claim if you fail to list someone who causes a crash. The carriers have tightened up the definition of an occasional operator. It used to be that you could allow someone who drives fewer than four times a year without giving the company the driver’s name, date of birth, and driver’s license number. Not anymore. The company wants that information before the first time they sit behind the wheel.

We can guide you through gathering data about the trucks and drivers. Call us at 503-489-3143 or click here to request a commercial vehicle quote.

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