Most people use their private passenger cars, pickups, and SUVs to drive to and from the same place of employment daily. Those are personal use vehicles, and we insure them on a Personal Auto Policy. However, some drivers use their private cars in a professional, business, or official capacity. Most companies will add a business surcharge to the personal policy if the vehicle remains registered in their name and not in a business or agency name.
Photographers, salespeople, agents, and musicians often use their rigs to reach various business-related destinations. Sometimes, they carry clients, equipment, and materials. Yes, they list the car in their private name at the DMV, but the use differs from the ordinary commuter just going to work. Questions arise after an accident that may render your coverage useless if you fail to divulge your profession. Please help us determine which type of policy is best for how you use your automobile.
If your car has decals, logos, or any other advertising emblems attached or is registered to a business, you must insure it on a commercial or business auto policy. Tools, racks, and aftermarket equipment attached to your vehicle also put you in a commercial category, regardless of how it is titled. It must go on a commercial policy if it looks like it could be used in business. Many drivers own a commercial vehicle, like a box, flatbed, or pickup truck larger than one ton, and use it for personal use. Those vehicles don’t fit on a personal auto policy either, not because of the use classification, but because of how big they are. You must insure a large personal use vehicle on a commercial contract with personal listed for the use.
Talk to us about your options so you don’t make the mistake of thinking your Personal Auto Policy will cover you when it might not.