- Details
- Written by: Shelly Campbell
- Category: Commercial Auto
- Hits: 1406
You are a working man or woman. Your truck is the most valuable tool in your bag. It gets you where you’ve got to go and carries the supplies and tools you need to do the job. You can’t afford downtime because of an accident. One of the most significant losses a contractor or small business owner can face is the inability to get around after a claim has occurred. Not being able to perform the duties of your job or contract may cause others to lose faith and confidence in you and your business. Have you reviewed your commercial auto insurance needs with someone who has had experience insuring everything from a pickup truck to a semi-tractor?
Getting a quote from Pulse Insurance is more than figuring out the price. It also includes a review of the risks you face as a contractor and business owner. Let us help you identify the coverages you need and property to insure, not just your vehicles, but also consider what happens when you are in an accident or have theft or loss of business property and materials. Let’s not forget what happens when you are facing a lawsuit or sanctions for workmanship or contract performance-related events. Are you adequately covered? Get a quote now for commercial auto insurance.
Even if you use your private passenger vehicle for delivery or driving from job site to job site, you must consider getting the proper insurance. A personal auto insurance policy may not be adequate for what you need if your employer asks you to use your car while working for them. Commuting to work and parking in the company parking lot is fine. But imagine taking on the liability of using your rig to do your company’s work and finding out the hard way that your policy won’t cover you while performing those work-related duties.
Let us help you navigate the complex commercial or business auto insurance world.